Recommened by Draw With Jazza

Recommened by Draw With Jazza

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It’s always interesting having your content shared online, what’s even more interesting is when a YouTuber like Draw With Jazza shares your content to his massive following.

The other day my Skillshare Class was blowing up with enrollments and I wasn’t sure why. Many of these were people who just barely started an account and others were established long-held accounts. I wasn’t sure what was going on since I’ve never had so many enrollments at one time. My class does decently on Skillshare, but I’ve never had many of the students follow me on there.

Quickly, my email starts filling up with enrollment after enrollment. Skillshare notifies me I’ve hit 100 enrollments, then more, and more and I was being blown away. At first, I thought maybe some massive online hack was going on. Was it Skillshare? Was it me? Whats happening? I figured a company like Skillshare would have been on top of that very quickly so I disregarded that. Finally, after a day and a half, the answer came to me.

Draw With Jazza Recommendation

One of my friends messaged me asking if I saw the new Draw with Jazza video. I’ve been a subscriber to Draw with Jazza for quite some time, but admittedly, I’m not as active on YouTube as I should be, especially being a creative myself, it’s a great platform for that.

Draw with Jazza released a video titled, I TRY LIFE DRAWING: Practicing the Human Figure (NSFW). In this video Jazz talks about trying all sorts of methods for life drawing and further into the video, he mentions my Skillshare class and that’s where all the subscribers are coming from. I couldn’t believe it, a guy with over 2.5 million subscribers tried my class and enjoyed it. He even talked about a few techniques that he tried of mine and learned something new. I was honored and blown away at the same time.

I’ve attached the video that he mentioned my course and it’s already set to the time he mentions it, however, I do recommend you check out the entire video, he produces some great content and he has a very charismatic personality which makes him enjoyable to watch.

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© 2023 Adam Miconi